Deploying Objects in Azure using ARM Templates

Object creation in Azure can be automated in many ways, one of which is by using ARM Templates. ARM Templates can either be authored from scratch, or can be based on manually deployed objects or Resource Groups.

In this post I simply want to detail the commands to use to deploy ARM Templates whether they are located locally, or in GitHub.

Start by connecting your Powershell session to Azure, using the command below (ensure that you have installed the Azure Powershell module previously).


This will prompt you for your Azure credentials and give you access to create objects in your Azure subscription.

Deploy Local ARM Templates

The command to deploy ARM templates that are stored locally is as follows.

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name DeploymentName -ResourceGroupName <NameofResourceGroup> -TemplateFile "C:\DefaultVNETandNSG.json" -TemplateParameterFile "C:\DefaultVNETandNSG.parameters.json"

-Name is the name you wish to give this deployment.

-ResourceGroupName is the name of the Resource Group the objects will be created in.

-TemplateFile is the path to the template file you are using.

-TemplateParameterFile is the path to the parameter file that you are using (if any).

Deploying Templates stored in GitHub

The command to deploy templates store in GitHub is only slightly different.

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name TestDeployment -ResourceGroupName <NameofResourceGroup> -TemplateUri "<NameofRepository>/Templates/master/DefaultVNETandNSG.json" -TemplateParameterUri "<NameofRepository>/Templates/master/DefaultVNETandNSG.parameters.json"

Only the following switches are different with this command.

-TemplateUri is the RAW URL for the template file.

-TemplateParameterUri is the RAW URL for the parameter file (if used).

*** Remember to only use the RAW URL for the paths for both files. Otherwise the deployment will fail. ***